Friday, January 7, 2011

all work and no play?

I titled my blog this because I don't think the statement is 100% true all the time. You can have it all if you really desire. I spend alot of time at work, and I can honestly say that I am one of those people who loves everything about their job. I love the people I work with and that I work for, they are some of the coolest and nicest people I have ever met. They have been with me through some pretty rough times this past year, and I am thankful I have this space to go to when Matt leaves for deployment. I love the actual work that I do, getting to use my hands and working with amazing products. I love learning about this industry and I get to learn new things all the time. Forming the relationships with people and connecting with them is something that makes it the icing on the cake for me though. I have clients who come see me every 6 weeks and we talk about what's going on in their lives and mine. So many are military wives too so I feel like I can talk to them about the lifestyle that many people don't really understand. I was talking to some guests today about our first deployment, and they were giving me advice on care packages, homecoming, etc. That's not something I can easily talk about without someone knowing what it is like to go through it. At the end of the day, when I come home, yes I might be tired. Yes some situations might be more trying than others, but I come home happy. I think that's what is really important.

Now that I am home, I plan on snuggling with Kit in my pj's. It's the simple things in life that matter. Matt has duty so Kit and I usually lay in our king size bed together. I sleep on my side, Kit sleeps on Matt's. She's so spoiled it's ridiculous but I love her to pieces! Before we hit the hay, I got awarded the Stylish Blogger Award from Shannon at Bit of Blue Sky! You can check her out here She is one of the sweetest girls I know and she is an AMAZING blogger! I got my inspiration to write my blog from reading hers :) So now I have to share 7 things about myself!

1. I am afraid of theme park mascots (like Mickey Mouse. yeah I'm that girl)
2. I love old movies, like Meet Me in St Louis
3. I LOVE ice cream! My favorite of all time is chocolate soft serve with rainbow sprinkles!
4. I like to eat french fries with my mexican food.
5. Sleep is good!
6. Victoria's Secret is one of my favorite stores
7. The kitchen is probably my favorite room in our house.

I am supposed to award 10 bloggers with this award, but to be honest with you I don't know 10 bloggers yet! So if you have a blog let me know! haha Goodnight!

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