Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Banana Pancakes?

First of all, I want to start off by thanking you for reading my blog. I am completely new to the blogging world and to have my first one is very exciting for me. I started this blog for a few reasons. For one, my husband is leaving for deployment in a very short amount of time. This is our first deployment, and I am feeling a ton of emotions. Saddness, anger, frustration - and pride. I am so proud of my husband and the duty he is serving for our country. I knew what I was signing up for when we met, this deployment wasn't a surprise. However now that it's here, I can't believe it. So I decided to start writing a blog to help me deal with the common emotions and obstacles of a deployment. I am so happy to call myself a military spouse, and I take the good with the bad. Hopefully some other military wives will read this and give me some advice. It's always appreciated! Also, I am a very creative person by nature, so maybe this will give me an outlet to share my creativity.

A little background about me, it case you don't already know! Besides being married and a housewife, I am also a hairstylist at a salon and spa. I have been doing hair for almost 4 years now, and I love my job. I have the gift of making people feel and look beautiful, and that is something that I am so proud of. I wasn't planning on being a hairstylist, I actually wanted to go to art school for fashion design, and I was going to work my way through as a hairstylist. I started cosmetology school and I soon fell in love with the industry! It's a way for me to be creative, while making people feel confident and happy. That's all I could ever ask for. We don't have any kids yet (I can't wait to be a mom, when the right time comes!), but we have a gorgeous little pup! A maltese named Kit. I'm sure I will be talking about her alot! She is our pride and joy. I have a great family and group of friends who always support me. I am very blessed.

Now the title of this blog is "Why Banana Pancakes?" Well I have a few reasons. For one, Banana Pancakes is a song by Jack Johnson, and the lyrics really call to me about my husband and I. Basically, to me, it's saying we could stay in all day and not worry about the world around us, and I think about that with my husband all the time. I would love to just stay with him, forget about the world, and just have it be the two of us. And it could be raining cats and dogs, both literally or not, but that doesn't matter because we have each other. Unfortunately with the Navy, that's kind of impossible right now, but it doesn't matter because I have him. Yes, his schedule sucks and yes he misses out on major holidays sometimes, but I would rather deal with all that and have him as my husband then not have him at all. And I think this song really supports that. Who knows, maybe that's not what the song is about at ALL and I am totally out of left field right now. But isn't that what music is all about? Identifying with lyrics and melodies that pertain to your life and your emotions? Music has always been a major part of my life, and this song has always touched my heart. One thing to know about me as well - I LOVE TO COOK AND BAKE! Food is a passion of mine and I am always in the kitchen trying new recipes or making up something as I go along. Hence banana pancakes! I will try to share some of my favorite recipes as I write this blog.

Sorry it was such a long one. Stay tuned, this will be interesting! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray so glad you are blogging! I totally agree with you about how music speaks to each of us differently :)
